SARA: What is S.A.R.A.



The Southern Alberta Recreation Association consists of recreation professionals, board members and other sport agency personnel from the South. The original concept of the association was to have recreation people get together on an informal basis to discuss common concerns and problems and hopefully assist each other in finding solutions. From that initial period, the association has evolved to the point where committees now exist for specific responsibilities, including Planning and Administration Committee, Professional Development / Leadership Committee and A.R.P.A. Liaison.


The Planning and Administration committee is responsible for the overall plan of operation and evaluation of the Southern Alberta Summer Games. This includes Planning - short term and long range planning; and Setting policy and priorities - in organizing its efforts to meet pre-established objectives.

Membership and appointments:  

  1. Four(4) members at large from SARA
  2. One (1) or two (2) from present Host Community
  3. One (1) Future Host Community
  4. One (1) Past Host community
  5. One (1) member of Alberta Sport Recreation & Wildlife Foundation

The members representing the committee are appointed at the association's Annual General Meeting. For consistency members are appointed to this committee for a minimum of two (2) year term. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the committee, a new member shall be appointed from the SARA membership.

The committee makes recommendations to the SARA membership for ratification at SARA meetings. The committee has the authority to make expenditures within the approved budget by SARA membership. Major planning functions include:

  • Mail invitations to all communities requesting bids for future games.
  • Tour communities who bid for games and recommend to SARA future host, based on submitted bids and tour of community.
  • Recommend sports for inclusion in the Games.
  • Finalize rules, regulations and technical details for each sport.
  • Responsible for overall budget control and proposed operational details.
  • Ratify use of Games logo on any promotional material.
  • Develop an adequate liaison between regional directors, the host community and SARA to insure coherence in the Games movement.
  • Order the necessary medals.
  • Provide names of sport technical advisors as a resource available to the Host community.
  • If requested, establish opportunities for preliminary training of officials.
  • Arrange for a yearly "Games" information session for Regional Directors prior to registration deadline.
  • Appoint a Games jury to rule on protests during the Games.
  • Rule on any unusual substitution.
  • Set up methods of evaluating the Games and make subsequent changes required to maintain the recreational foundation of the Games.
  • Update the Games manual.
  • Prepare Zone 1 Sport Strategy. Click here for Zone 1 Map.
  • Be a resource person for the Host Community.


The Professional Development Committee is responsible for organizing an annual retreat and for offering profession development sessions of interest to SARA members. Membership and Appointments: The committee may consist of up to four (4) members from the SARA membership. Appointments to be made for a one-year term (January to December) at the SARA General meeting. 

  • Prepare a budget for SARA approval
  • Organize the annual retreat for SARA members
  • Plan professional development sessions throughout the year
  • Propose SARA socials to members.

Committee responsible to the SARA membership. All recommendations regarding fees, budget and dates must be approved by SARA.

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